all postcodes in MK8 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK8 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK8 1AA 0 52.031811 -0.809676
MK8 1AB 0 52.031672 -0.809271
MK8 1AD 0 52.031661 -0.810802
MK8 1AE 0 52.032487 -0.809803
MK8 1AF 0 52.031191 -0.808817
MK8 1AH 23 0 52.027658 -0.815092
MK8 1AJ 6 0 52.027991 -0.812503
MK8 1AL 5 0 52.028024 -0.813085
MK8 1AN 11 0 52.028176 -0.813883
MK8 1AP 21 0 52.028879 -0.814054
MK8 1AQ 1 0 52.028177 -0.814889
MK8 1AR 3 0 52.029123 -0.814222
MK8 1AU 14 0 52.029668 -0.814762
MK8 1AY 8 0 52.028398 -0.814547
MK8 1BD 6 0 52.036221 -0.810973
MK8 1BE 10 0 52.036054 -0.811312
MK8 1BG 5 0 52.035932 -0.811738
MK8 1BF 11 0 52.035424 -0.811329
MK8 1BH 17 0 52.035036 -0.812083
MK8 1BJ 9 0 52.035441 -0.812101